Notes plugin in Musescore update

• Nov 11, 2019 - 17:06

The note names used to appear so that they didn't overlap with the staves. In the new update that I just downloaded and installed, they do overlap again. Can I revert to the previous version, or is there another solution? Thanks.


Upgrading from where exactly? I'm not awars about any changes in MuseScoere 3.3 vs. e.g. 3.2.3 that might be causing that overlap, the staff text that plugin added never used autoplace, so would have caused collisions ever since?

A similar (or even the same) issue came up the other day, see

In general the note names plugin lost its big role, as we're not having note name scheme with notenames inside the noteheads, and those even dynamically

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Musescore 3.4.1
I copy pasted notenames 3.2 according to the version in the script (python?).

I've just updated to 3.4.2 after reading your response but maybe my plugin was stuck with an older version. It's working now. Thanks for asking the question! I swear I didn't ignore the update reminder for that long (4 months).

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