Musechoir - Strange vowel modification without reason...

• Feb 18, 2025 - 21:25


Could someone please verify if this short passage shows any changement in vowel sound when played back.
For me it changes from 'aah' to 'ooh' on the 'o' from 'Di-o' and then each second note under the slurs...
Strange ...

I would like it to always be 'aah'.
Any suggestions ?



Attachment Size
DVS-selection.mscz 40.91 KB


This is a new feature that recognizes vowel sounds and plays them back. I’m not familiar enough with it to figure out how disable it.

Could some of you please test if soundflag settings (modify sound) work with muse choir.
(If chosen 'Ooh' then all that is indeed sung is 'Ooh'... etc...)



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