Can't see grace note after main note, rests under grace notes, grace notes have different time lengths

• Nov 21, 2019 - 19:36

This piece has grace notes before and after regular notes. The grace notes before are easily seen. The grace notes after are overlapping and not distinguishable. Is there a workaround? Something else I need to be doing?

In this piece, the grace notes have a rest under them. I don't see two voice lines. I'm guessing the rest is supposed to be there and the grace notes are placed above to save space. Do you have a different thought?

The grace notes before are longer than the grace notes after, even though they have the same flag. Is there something I don't understand? Or is there a way to make them the same length in the Inspector?


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pag58_score.jpg 245.44 KB
pag58_score.mscz 6.28 KB


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks, Marc. That works for me! Regular notes, small heads, second voice rests.

The text only says it's plucked strings for a Japanese dance. This is from Vol 1 of 14, Art of Music, by Daniel Gregory Mason. Distributed Proofreaders volunteers are getting the series ready for Project Gutenberg.

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