Musescore destroys score and crashes while trying to correct

• Nov 29, 2019 - 16:08

An saved score will be full of errors on opening the next time. Notes are replaced with rests and when I try to correct the rests than the programm crashes.


In reply to by Lucapersempre

Musescore keeps crashing while correcting. I follow the instructions of but it does not work. The first error is "expecting 9/8 but found 16/8". In the score I see 9/8, I cannot replace that with 9/8. I replace with 12/8, then 9/8 , delete a measure and correct the missing notes. While correcting, the program crashes. This can happen while correcting the first or the x-th error.

In reply to by Lucapersempre

It's possible to fix the errors, but you will have to delete half of the measures and reenter them to fix all of the corrupt measures. So start over and don't cause the score to become corrupt in the first place. I'm not sure of everything you did that caused it to become corrupt, but here's what you need to do to enter it.

Set up the score with the 3 singers and do not generate parts yet. They are probably the main reason you have corruptions
Right click each singer's staff and choose staff/part properties and remove the check from Show time signature. You can also uncheck show barlines if you don't want to see any of those as well.
Start by entering the soprano part without changing time signatures, this isn't necessary
When you need more notes in the measure than will fit, use ctrl+shift+note name to insert a note. If you have a rest left over after notes are all entered, select it and press ctrl+shift+delete to remove it. Doing this will allow MuseScore to keep track of how many beats are in a measure.
You can now enter the soprano, tenor and bass parts taking advantage of copy and past to make it go faster. You will not need to use ctrl+shift to enter any notes into the other parts if you did not make any mistakes entering the soprano part.
When your score is finished, generate parts and insert system breaks into them and format them as needed and you should have no problems.

As an alternative to using ctrl+shift+note name, you can click the triangle to the right of the N on the toolbar and use Insert mode to enter notes into the soprano part. You can still select unneeded rests and press ctrl+shift+delete to get rid of them. Remember to change back to Step-time (Default ) note entry mode for the other singers so you don't insert more unneeded beats into the measures.

In reply to by mike320

I think that like you suspected the parts are the cause of my problems. I have found another score with similar errors. For correcting I did not use your proposal but did it this way:
1 I open the score, deleted all the parts and saved the score
2 Like you said I copied the errors in a text file
3 When the error was "must be 9/8 and found 37/8" I changed the duration of that measure to 12/8 and than again to 9/8.
4 I corrected the measure and saved the score
5 this for all the errors

After all this I closed the score and opened it again. There were no more errors.

I will now delete the parts in all my scores. I'm sorry for that, they are very useful.

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