Accent marks shifted out of position upon opening version 2 score in version

• Nov 29, 2019 - 19:28

I used MuseScore to open a score [waltzes from Fledermaus] that was created and saved in MuseScore version 2.3.2 . The result was that some accent marks were totally misplaced. Fortunately I still have the original score. I saved the messy new score as Waltzes from Fledermaus 3_0 Waltzes from Fledermaus 3_0.mscz

The original file is attached as Waltzes from Fledermaus 2_0.mscz


MuseScore 2 lacked automatic placement, so it allowed symbols to collide without warning. MuseScore 3 resolves the collisions, but occasionally in crowded situations like this that case result in accent shifting. Best solution I think is to widen those measure slightly, just select and press "}". Or, just add more line breaks - you have them other places but there isn't one here. Just moving the last measure or two down to the next line improves the spacing quite a bit and resolving this overcrowding.

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