Manually Adjust Space Between Staves

• Dec 1, 2019 - 23:42

I want to be able to have exactly the number of measures I want per stave, and exactly the space I want between the staves. I want it this way in order to have room to have transposed chords for guitarists using a capo, for example, the concert key is F but I want (D) printed above each F chord. I can do this in a PDF if there is room.

I've tried a number of different things but the application seems to fill in the space evenly when I ask it to increase space between the staves. Also, it messes with the stretch I've already established. I've struggled with this for years. My only end round has been to manually cut and paste the staves after printing them out.

In the attached project, I need to have the piano and bass play in C#m, but the guitarists play in Am with a capo on the 4th fret.

Attachment Size
What_Child_Is_This.mscz 22.42 KB


Your score doesn't even resemble what you want from what I can tell. You only have a piano treble clef with chords and lyrics attached.

You wrote:
I want to be able to have exactly the number of measures I want per stave...

After you have entered your notes, lyrics, and chord symbols you then can use system breaks to adjust measures per stave (system).

You wrote:
...and exactly the space I want between the staves. I want it this way in order to have room to have transposed chords for guitarists using a capo...

As you enter chord symbols, room is automatically created. There is no need to create the space first, though you can make adjustments later, if necessary.

You wrote:
In the attached project, I need to have... the guitarists play in Am with a capo on the 4th fret..

and the following image:

You're definitely working way too hard. As mentioned, MuseScore creates space automatically when you add the chord symbols and fretboard diagrams. it might not have done so for chord symbols several years ago, but it has for the past year.

But FWIW, to add space between two systems and those two systems only, use a spacer. Same to have extra space between two staves within a system for just that system. Or to have extra space above a staff score wide, use "Extra distance above staff" in Staff Properties.

Again, though, none of this is needed, space is created automatically as needed.

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