Values of notes & rests when scrolling through, + a key to enter rests?

• Dec 19, 2019 - 03:48

When you start on one note in a score, then click through using, say, the arrow keys on your computer, if you want to change the value of a note or rest you have to click out of "note input mode" (which is what you automatically enter when you click into a score and start entering notes) using the "n" key and then change the value. This is pretty annoying, especially when you get into the groove. This only occurs for notes when going back to change them - if you change its value before you enter it, it works just fine, it only doesn't change it once you enter it.

I would also like to mention that having the ability to enter rests just like notes would be very helpful. As it stands currently there is no way to do that. With the new update, editing rests is a whole lot smoother, but something I was kind of hoping for was the ability to enter rests just like notes. If the "r" button on a keyboard doesn't currently do anything when in "note input mode" maybe clicking "r" would enter into "rest input mode" (without taking you out of "note input mode") and then clicking the number corresponding to the desired note length would enter it, just like with notes?

Thanks for all the hard work!


As mentioned, 0 enters a rest. Also, Q &W change duration (half or double, respectively) of the current note, so you don't always need to leave note input mode to change duration. You can use Shift with those to cycle the durations through augmentation dots too (eg, from eighth to dotted eighth to quarter to dotted quarter etc)

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