2nd time (from Letter A) to Letter B without using coda

• Dec 25, 2019 - 04:58

So I am currently transcribing a mariachi piece but I was wondering if there was a way to route custom jumps in MuseScore to go to a specific section after a segno or a repeat other than using a coda? I know professional mariachi composition is not common among Musescore users but this program has been very useful to me in arranging and transcribing scores with ease. So usually mariachi songs follow a specific structure which usually consists of running through a song (intro, verses, chorus) once, most of the time going right back into the intro and repeating the song again (using a repeat bar or D.S.), this time, with an ending, achieved either using a coda or a 2nd volta. In this case, the song I'm currently transcribing runs through the song once before going back to the segno (D.S. al Coda), and from there the song skips all of part A the 2nd time and goes straight into part B. Now I could easily achieve this using a coda, but I'm already using a coda for the ending and I really want the jump to be heard via playback. Is there a way for me to add 2nd time jumps other than a coda into the score or is It possible to create this with existing features in the program? Or would I have to create another coda and try to manually map it to jump straight into the section I want it to without affecting the other codas in the song? I'll attach my score if needed.


Now I could easily achieve this using a coda, but I'm already using a coda for the ending...

Well, you can still use the coda; and, for a different jump, use the coda variation.

Here are examples of such uses of segno and coda variations:

A more specific answer would require seeing your score, or an abridged score of a few lines with all the desired jumps and repeats explained in detail.

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