Dynamics and Hairpins

• Dec 25, 2019 - 18:58

Hello Musescore crew, is there a way you could make a setting to have dynamics and hairpins under the lyrics in musescore3. It was possible in musescore2 and it makes my scores just look a lot more clean. I know you can press F6 and move them manually by during off automatic placement, it's way to time consuming and I feel there should be an easier option. Thank you :)


To be clear though: moving dyanmics below lyrics is not the correct place for them normally. Placing them above the staff is the standard if there are lyrics. This can be done easily by pressing "X", or by using the Placement control in the Inspector. Or, if you want this for all staves in the whole score (eg, a vocal-only score), then set the default placement in Format / Style.

In reply to by James R.B. Kie…

Can you post a sample score where having them below the staff is more practical or easier to read than t lhe standard of having them above? To be clear: I mean the standard above the staff, not above the lyrics. If we see what you are trying to achieve and the special circumstances that require it, we can understand and assist better.

In reply to by James R.B. Kie…

I wasn't clear. You said you had some particular score where placing hairpins and dynamics below the lyrics " more practical for my arrangement and makes them easier to read". So it sounded like you were implying there was some unusual special quality of that specific score that made a non-standard layout necessary. I don't see anything in the picture you attached here that wouldn't work using the standard layout: dynamics and hairpins above the staff. So it's still not clear to me why you are resisting the correct layout, which is what your colleagues are surely more used to anyhow. This is what "X" does simply and easily, and it produces the correct layout which is extremely practical - that's why it is used pretty much universally in published music, and hence it is what people are used to reading.

That said, if you do ever have some special cases where it really does become necessary for some reason to place dynamics and hairpins below the staff and furthermore wish them to be below the lyrics, the method described above works: turn off autoplace and set the offset. It's easy to disable autoplace for all dynamics at once (right-click one, Select / All Similar Elements), then press "=" or use the Inspector.

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