Individual Parts Don't Match Score

• Jan 9, 2020 - 19:02

Things like crescendos, dynamics, text, and other things will be lined up differently, not be the same length, be at different heights, all when I make individual parts out of the score. Basically I will make it look just right on the score but everything will be different in the parts, and this is really problematic with big scores like a symphony because it would take hours to change every part to look right. Is there a way to help this? I also had a problem where I made some tempos invisible and the first group was invisible in the parts, but the second time I did it they were visible.


In general, manual adjustments in the score won't be carried into the parts because they won't make sense. After all, many adjustments are to avoid things in other staves, and those other staves won't be present. Also the spacing will be totally different, where the line breaks happen totally different, etc - all meaning adjustments made in the score often don't make sense in the part. So parts start out with most things still at defaults. Normally that's fine, as parts often need less adjustment since they are so much less crowded.

If you attach your score, we can advise better.

In reply to by Connor Gregory

We would need the actual score, not just a picture of it.

Although, based on the picture, I see a lot of really odd things, like tempo markings placed on every single staff of the score, and bow marks placed way too far from the notes they apply to. I can't think of any good reason for either of those things. So when you do attach the actual score, maybe also explain what you are trying to do and why.

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