Musescore 3 still unstable..

• Jan 19, 2020 - 20:43

Allright, Musescore 3 is pretty great and such. Loving the new features. But sadly, most of the time it has been a pain in the butt using it. It's really unstable.. Crashes pretty often, Workspaces are glitchy, doesn't save my workspace preferences, piano keyboard and play panel keep dissappearing (play panel somehow manages to get somewhere outside my screen view).. Kinda forces me to downgrade back to Musescore 2, since it's far more stable.. Untill Musescore 3 is stable, I'm gonna stick with Musescore 2.. Which is a shame, because Musescore 3 actually has great stuff, such as "panel clipping", idk how you call it.. Please fix your software..


I'm using it daily since more than year now and don't have crashes, except very occasionally and when trying to reproduce issues reported by other users using their scores. So please share the scores that cause crashes for ypu and/or exact steps to reproduce.

First off, ensure that you're on the most recent version (3.3.4 currently).
Constantly crashing should not be the case, and looking at these forums hasn't been for many and most users since quite some months now.
One of the causes of "random" crashes are corrupt scores; or rather scores with corrupt parts, which bring down the program on autosave. If you have such a score, then please share it, so the corruption can be detected and/or fixed.

Not saving workspace preferences is a new error to me. What do you expect to be saved and isn't?

In order to fix a problem, we need people to reort it here, with clear steps to reproduce it. The preferences issue as mention is almost certainly just a permissions problem on your computer. If you have a particular series of steps that crashes MuseScore, we're happy to fix it, but we need you to attach the score and give steps to reproduce the problem. FWIW, MsueScore 2 had many many thousands of bugs fixed, but sure, sometimes a few new bugs gets introduced also. We fix them about as fast as people report them.

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