A single note in a group has different direction
How could I manage such a writing way, as shown in the attachment below, please?
Attachment | Size |
Travi quartina a scavalco su nota singola.jpg | 2.81 MB |
How could I manage such a writing way, as shown in the attachment below, please?
Attachment | Size |
Travi quartina a scavalco su nota singola.jpg | 2.81 MB |
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see https://musescore.org/en/handbook/3/voices
In reply to see https://musescore.org/en… by Jojo-Schmitz
Many thanks, but it seems me to be quite different: in my example the notes belong to the same voice-layer, but they are separated, and where lays the single note, a corresponding space is shown in the three notes group, whose notes are bound by a stem that goes over the single note.
In reply to Many thanks, but it seems me… by Stefano Rattini
Surely voices, but additionaly Triplets?
In reply to Triplets? by Jojo-Schmitz
No no, thank-you: it's simply a group of four notes; the single one is played by the left hand, on a different manual of the organ.
In reply to No no, thank-you: it's… by Stefano Rattini
if one of those notes is played by a different had than the other, this is a strong indication for using voices
In reply to No no, thank-you: it's… by Stefano Rattini
I understand what you explain and I doubt MuseScore can write that without cheating.
But... I doubt also that musicians can understand it without explanation, seems extremely confusing notation to me. Would you have an example of a published score using that ?
In reply to I understand what you… by frfancha
For instance Prokofiev's Toccata:
In reply to For instance Prokofiev's… by Stefano Rattini
It seems to be working as suggested, using voices (see below with MuseScore). It's a bit complicated, but it's exactly what I was looking for. Many thanks!
In reply to It seems to be working as… by Stefano Rattini
or even this
setting the voice 1's rest beaming to beam middle
In reply to or even this [inline:de.png] by Jojo-Schmitz
Better as I made, bravo.