Beaming 6 eighth notes???

• Feb 2, 2020 - 14:32

I NEED HELP! I'm in 3/4 time, and I'm trying to beam all (6) eighth notes together in one measure. Right now it's only beaming two together at a time. I included an image for better understanding. I've looked everywhere on how to do this and I've found nothing. I appreciate the help.

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You can fix this in a single measure by adjusting the beam properties of the third and fifth notes. See Beams.

Even better, you can edit your time signature and change the default beaming; that way, it will be done automatically for you in every measure.

BTW, if you're in 3/4 time, why is your time signature 4/4?

In reply to by Spire42

You are a LIFESAVER. Thank you so much. (My actual time signature is in 3/4, the image I included was something I found online that looked like what I was trying to do, LOL) Also, is there a way to beam 2 eighth notes with an eighth note rest in between them?

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