Streaching/compressing a score

• Feb 5, 2020 - 23:11

I have produces a score that fits nicely into 2 pages. When I add lyrics it enlarges to 5 pages with most bars stretched unnecessarily. { } functions have no effect. Can you tell me what is wrong?

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Drink to Me Only-Duet.mscz 23.16 KB


In reply to by kevisack

Both versions have lyrics, but the second version takes five pages because you've increased the staff size to a crazy big value. Reduce it back to the default (in Layout / Page Settings, the "Staff space" setting should be 1.764 mm) and it comes much closer to fitting. It still takes 3 pages but that's because the second verse takes just up space, no getting around that. In order to fit that much music on two pages, you'd need to reduce the staff further. And/or, consider making other changes like reduce the lyric bottom margin fro 2 sp to 1, in Format / Style / Lyrics.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks Marc, that did the rick. I will explain the reason for the odd value for Staff space. I was entering the lyrics using the continuous view, as I find this more convenient. All was well until I started to enter the second verse which overlapped the lower staff. The adjusting of the staff pace was in an attempt to stop the overlap. On switching to Page view however, the overlap disappeared by it's self. I should have remembered to reset the changed parameter.

In reply to by kevisack

FWIW, the recommended way to add space for additional lyrics in continuous view is to use spacers. Increasing the staff space size would just make everything bigger, wouldn't normally add distance between staves. Spacers are then easy to delete when you switch to page view.

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