MuS crash when opening a faulty very short XML file

• Feb 8, 2020 - 14:15

Hi All,
The xml file (see attachment) is few measures long. Nonetheless I did not expect MuS to crash while attempting to loading it.
The comment given by MuS for not opening it was about a missing child element.

Attachment Size
a.xml 1.79 KB


I've discovered the error in the file, no measure at all where present.
Shouldn't MuS carry on without crashing even in this situation?

In reply to by Trottolina

It would be preferable for MuseScore to never crash on invalid input, but in practice this is quite difficult to achieve, especially if the standard is "it should accept any input without crashing".

In this case you were warned that your file is not valid, which implies you open it at your own risk.

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