Rehearsal Marks in one part only

• Feb 13, 2020 - 05:56

Is there a way to make rehearsal marks specific to one part and not the rest? I'm trying to make a piece in which there's more than one instrument and I want to be able to make specific indicators for when we rehearse the piece. Is there a way to do this? If not, will it be added?


You can add regular staff text and then, in the Inspector, change its style to 'Rehearsal Mark' to give it the 'look' of a rehearsal mark.

The above works, but I'm confused - how are you picture it helping in rehearsal if one player has a rehearsal mark but the others don't? To me that's not a rehearsal mark at all, that's just text specific to that instrument, which you would add as staff text and leave as staff text so it isn't confused with a rehearsal mark.

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