I wish I could..

• Feb 28, 2020 - 16:35

Sometimes, when entering text to a score, the lyrics get very "close" to each other. So: I select "F8" and change the offset, but the note connected to the lyrics "stays". I wish I could "change offset" of the lyrics "and the "corresponding note", at the same time.
My 2cent.....Erling


Attaching a score would help us understand exactly what you mean, but normally, if the goal is to make sure there is more space around lyrics, you don't need to resort to anything like this, just increase the "Min distance" setting in Format / Style / Lyrics. Or, if you really do want one particular note/lyric to have different spacing from the rest of the score for some reason, simply use the "leading space" on the note you want to space further away. This will move the note and the lyric together, and will also move anything else associated with that beat to keep proper alignment. But again, normally there would be no need to mciromanage this, simply increasing the style setting will do the job easily and uniformly.

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