'humanizing' in piano roll editor?

• Mar 7, 2020 - 02:51

hey folks

qiuck quest - is it possible to set a 'humanization' value in the piano roll editor (or anywhere else?).
I am trying to mimic the features of most DAW's that allow you to set different offsets that change the 'attack' of an instrument. For example, to simulate a sharp pluck on a guitar string or a gentle thumb roll, or a quick, sharp press on a piano key as opposed to a slow, soft press.



You can change the velocity of a note in the Inspector, and you can use the Piano Roll to change that or the timing. There is no Ai-like "automatic humanizing" function, but it seems the sort of thing some motivated person could probably try to write a plugin for.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Can I change the initial 'attack' of a note? For instance - using the various articulations I can change the length and/or decay of the piano notes (dots, marcatos, etc) - but can I change the initial 'attack' value?

The velocity, as I understand it, is just the individual note volume? or am I mistaken?

again, the goal is replicate a very soft 'press' on a grand piano where the hammer sort of 'kisses' the string; right now the playback is more of an 'on / off' like a digital keyboard would be.


In reply to by ptrtool1999

Most soundfonts - including the one included with MuseScore by default - sample each note at multiple different velocities. If you want a sample of an even quieter attack, probably there are grand piano soundfonts out there that sample a wider range of different velocities. So you should try some out to see if one suits your needs better.

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