Bug: the "chord symbol" text style panel is showing the values from the wrong document
I'm gradually converting all my MuseScore 2 leadsheets into MuseScore 3 documents. I find that the ideal chord-symbol placement occurs when I set the chord symbol text style offset values to 0 (since the automatic placement feature takes care of collision avoidance). Therefore, here's my process:
- Invoke MuseScore 3.
- Load a MuseScore 2 document.
- A dialogue box asks me if I want to "reset the positions of all elements". I answer "yes".
- Go to Format...Style...Text Styles...Chord Symbol (hard to find because the text styles are not listed in alphabetical order... I'd say this is another bug, though maybe you disagree)
- The Y offset is -2.50sp. Repair it by changing it to 0. Click on "OK".
- Looks great now. Save the document.
- Load another MuseScore 2 document. It comes up in a second tab.
- Again, answer "yes" to "reset the positions of all elements".
- Again, go to Format...Style
- This time, the Text Styles...Chord Symbol panel is already open, I guess because it remembers which style panel I was last using.
- Now, the Y offset shows as 0.00sp, even though the chord symbols in my document are evidently displayed at 2.50sp. This is a bug.
- Workaround: I can change the Y offset to some other value (such as, say, the default of 2.50sp) and then change it back to 0. That works.
It would appear that there is some cross-contamination between loaded documents?
Oh, no. I accidentally created a new account. Oops.
Indeed, see #301304: Text style parameters not updated, it's a known bug relating to the code that tries to remember which page of the dialog you are on.