Drum palette text in Japanese

• Mar 14, 2020 - 19:46


Does anybody know why my drum palette text (tooltips & edit drumset dialogue) is in Japanese?
I've got my language set to EnglishUK



In reply to by rscarff1

How did you create this score? Did you use File / New and specific one of the Jazz templates, or some other method? On the surface, looks like its the drumset definition that in Japanese, not the UI itself, like either your instruments.xml file or your template is wrong.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I've just thought (after your question above -

It started life in Kwai touch notation and then I exported and imported the .xml file into musescore.
It didn't occur to me that muse score would use touchnotaion's drumset definition.
Is that what is happening do you think?

In reply to by rscarff1

Seems like it. Feel free to look at the XML file to see if you see that same text.

I don't know if that device follows the General MIDI standard or not, but if it does, it shouyld probably work to just hit the "Load" button in the drumset editor and load the default manually. You can create your own copy of the default by creating a new score from scratch then using the Save As button in that same dialog.

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