Beat Noteheads

• Apr 14, 2020 - 11:38

Is it possible to create a beat notehead in Musescore 3? Because I've searched all the threads on forum and most part of the google.


I'd be impressed if you'd actually have searched all the threads of the forum. If you've also read the relevant ones, you'd indeed have noticed that both rhythmic slash notation as fill with slashes have been around for a few years now. :)

But I do commend you for trying the search option before asking your question!

In reply to by jeetee

Realistically, though, I doubt searches based on the term "beat notehead" would be very successful. not sure where that came from - looks like some specific website might be using that term? The term we use is "slash notation", and specifically, "rhythmic slash notation" when you want to show rhythms. Those are somewhat more common terms in my experience but probably different texts and programs use different terminology for things like this, making it hard to get good search results.

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