
• Apr 15, 2020 - 21:50

I like using Musescore to create worksheets for my students.

I'm writing a beginning music piece and want to add lyrics, now when I use lyrics on the the Treble it goes to the middle of the staff, which is what I want. When I attempt to write lyrics for the bass clef, (as part of the melody), the text moves BENEATH the staff, which is what I don't want. I'd like the keep the text in the middle.

Any suggestions?

Thanks. :D


There are two solutions, neither ideal.

One is to flip the bottom lyrics above the staff by selecting them and pressing "X". You can do that all at once by right-clicking one such lyric, Select / All Similar Element in Same Staff, then "X". But they won't really align with the top staff lyrics, you'll need to make further adjustments using staff spacers or the Inspector or other means.

The other is to enter all the music on the top staff even if ultimately it will display not he other. In simple cases you can use cross-staff notation to move the notes to the bottom staff. In more complex cases it might be better to enter the notes on the bottom staff as well but make them invisible on the top. In either case you'd probably also need to use multiple voices to manage the rests.

After you've added the lyrics under the Bass clef, right click on them, go to "select all elements in same staff," then hit the "x" key--it's the standard method of moving elements from below the staff to above, or vice versa, as well as changing the direction of stems, etc.

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