when frame resizing the format of the involved area goes highwires

• Apr 17, 2020 - 10:02

Hi all,
I've attached one of the file I use for my lessons where last page got screwed-up after I attempted to resize (i.e. decrease the height of) some vertical frames.
I've tried many ways in order to recover it properly without success. Can anybody help, please? Thanks.
I suppose it should be declared a bug, isn't it?

Attachment Size
Working kits for piano staff.mscz 23.46 KB


If you're referring to your last page, you have a frame there with a negative height of -118,06sp moving everything upwards off the page.

That is not a bug, that is MuseScore doing exactly what you (unintentionally) asked it to do.

I also note that you seem to be using vertical frames as a way to force things onto a new page. You're likely far better off using an actual page break instead. You can find the page break right next to the section break in the palette.

Attached the score where I've deleted that negative frame.

Attachment Size
304003_Working kits for piano staff.mscz 23.36 KB

In reply to by Trottolina

I started off with a suspicion this was the case due to what I could see on that page.

There are two ways of finding off-page content, the first is to switch to continuous view. I did not use this method this time around.

For the 2nd method: there is a very handy shortcut for navigating through elements: Alt+←/→
So I selected the end barline at the end of the previous page and made sure the inspector was open (F8). Then I pressed Alt→ and you'll now notice in the status bar it shows a frame is selected and the inspector showing the properties of that frame.
Press the shortcut combination again to reach the next frame. Then you can either use the inspector to give it a normal height again or press Del to remove it.

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