
• Apr 18, 2020 - 18:16

Why is the download not free anymore?
Musescore was such a inspiring source for musicians,

I would certainly donate something, also 100 dollars once, but 60 dollars per year is
so very unsympathetic, it´s the train every software and every platform goes no.
Musescore smelled differently.
Smelled like freedom, generosity, proudness to share.

what a ugly step you decided on.
My deepest misunderstanding and regret.

and my - late- congratulations on the platform musescore was before.



Download is still free and will be forever. Here on

If you're talking about, you need to go and complain there, but good reasons have been given there numerous times, it is about copyright violations and being able to pay royalties and prevent the (large) copyright owners from shutting down And it isn't 60$, but 49$ as far as I know...

See also

To be clear:

The software is free. You download it for free from this site. Any other site that offers it probably offers it for free as well.

Scores are free only if they are not copyrighted (eg, over 100 years old or so), or if the copyright owners choose to make them free. That's true of just as it is for every other site on the Internet. Copyright law demands it be so.

So: MuseScore software is free - here, there, and everywhere. Copyrighted scores are not - here, there, and everywhere.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I feel so stupid -

some time ago, I was searching musescore.? (probably .com?)
found transcripitions that somebody made, somebody was listening
to e.g. an acappella arrangement from Pentatonix,
and published his version proudly, or made a string quartet version out of adeles rolling in the deep.

what copyright? I listen to a piece of music, and if I am able to
write it down, i did not copy sheet music. I can perform it, and pay Gema to the
It is not copyrighted sheet music, what you find on musescore,
but the sharing of versions of songs, just what somebody was able to listen.
big difference, and legal to share.

the download of the sheet music was always possible,
now it is not possible anymore. Why is that? what changed ?


Great piece of software, the Musescore !
But I was wondering about downloading the search results for
sheet music.

In reply to by Artefakt

Please read and then post your complaint (if you still have them after reading) over there.

Just to respond to your main point: yes, you are free to write down a piece of music you here, and copyright law indeed does not prevent that at all. Where copyright law comes into play is when you start sharing what you've written down, that's no longer legal without consent.

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