purchasing the tutorial course

• Apr 18, 2020 - 19:56

I can't seem to purchase a membership. After clicking on the privacy button, nothing else happens. I want to purchase the tutorials!


I don't think one has got anything to do with the other. But sure neither has got anything to do with musescore.org, so you'd need to go to and ask this on musescore.com

Perhaps you mean my "Mastering MuseScore: Complete Online Course"? If so, I'm not sure which Privacy button you are clicking, but the button you want is a bit green one labeled "Enroll in Course". There's one towards the top and one towards the bottom of the page at https://school.masteringmusescore.com/p/complete.

There is a "Privacy Policy" link as well in small print at the very bottom of the page too, I tried it and it does work. But it just tells you standard legal stuff about sharing of personal information etc. It has nothing to do with enrolling in the course.

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