Custom Articulation Symbol

• Apr 20, 2020 - 19:07

Hello. I need to put some custom symbols over some parts using a custom font. I've done this on Finale but I've have not a clue on how to achieve this on MuseScore. Is there a way to create my own custom articulations to use on MuseScore.
custom articulation.png
For information, this part is an extract for a music sheet written for TIPLE a a folk string instrument from Colombia, South America.

PD. I wrote music for this instruments, and have made some instruments.xml definitions and soundfonts, so I really love MuseScore and Open Source because it's been really easy to achieve with free tools. Maybe in the future would like any indications on how to include this colombian instruments.xml definitions that I've made and use into de MuseScore default ones 'cause there is a lot of interest for musicians on my country to use this open source tool for writing music for this instruments.


You can add them either as images (including SVG) or as staff text. Both elements may afterwards be added into a palette for reuse.

You cannot define your own playback effect for them.

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