Song doesn't sound right after exporting to midi

• Apr 21, 2020 - 20:26

I'm using musescore 3 on window 10.
After exporting the song to midi and listen using media player and recheck
I notice all the full bends are missing in all notes that has it. So does the guitar vibrato wide line, palm mute line and the arpeggio up arrow
The time signature was changed to 4/4 (originally was 2/4 at start and later at 4/4)
All mute (x) notes and ones in parentheses all turn to normal notes
Exporting to mp3 however doesn't have anything missing

Anyway to fix the full bend notes? cause they affect the song a lot
the other stuff doesn't affect much i think
P/s: Also how to make the full bend go up and release on the 3rd note in the last pic?
Thanks in advance

Attachment Size
Crossing_Field_-_Lisa.mid 55.08 KB
Crossing_Field_-_Lisa.mscz 95.62 KB
Untitled22.png 230.71 KB
Full bend down.png 4.1 KB


Why do you think the time signature changed?
Your midi-file starts with a 2/4 signature and then after two beats switches to 4/4; likely as a pickup measure attempt or such.

Palm mute does not exist in MIDI; neither does an arpeggio (but your screenshot as well as the midi-file nicely contains the effect from it).

Pitch bends again are present in the midi file, so not sure why you're saying they aren't?

In reply to by codedlyoko

MIDI doesn't "sound" by itself, but the instructions in it are imported/interpreted by the playback device. It seems that whichever playback device you're using isn't reading those bends as expected then.
The only possible issue I know of that is that there was a recent topic that pitch bends are expressed as a % in MIDI and MuseScore is not explicitly indicating the full range of a pitch bend in the MIDI file; thus some players may interpret 100% of the pitch bend as +8% or +16% or whichever range those interpreters use.

MIDI is not a score format, it is a set of playback instructions which another device/program might or might not understand.

In reply to by jeetee

ok here a short example of one small part of the song.
Im using musescore 3 to make it. then export it to midi. then use musescore 3 to open midi
the part was repeated 3 times. first time is without full bend. 2nd time is with my minor adjustment with grace note...(sound ok-ish to try mimic the full bend) and 3rd time is the part with full bend
(More detail in the pic)
The 1st and 3rd part sound clearly different in mscz but after export to midi u see the 1st and 3rd part was identical. so after exporting the full bend in the notes were gone
U can try download the mscz and export it to midi and using musescore to open it again to see

Attachment Size
test.mid 637 bytes
test.mscz 17.83 KB
Untitled22.png 109.17 KB

In reply to by codedlyoko

So you're not inspecting the MIDI file at all, but making assumptions based on what the re-import does compared to the original score.
If you actually look at the MIDI file itself with a MIDI-Editor (for example you'll see that the MIDI file itself does contain the pitch bend. It is lost upon import.

MIDI is not a score format, it is a set of playback instructions which another device/program might or might not understand.

It seems that MuseScore does not (yet) support importing pitch bends. Feel free to add support of that as a suggestion into the issue tracker.

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