Icons Too Small

• Apr 22, 2020 - 10:51

Attached is a PDF file documenting how Musescore now looks in the new version. I have searched but can't find a way to make the icons larger. They are too small for my older eyes!

Attachment Size
Musescore Icons Too Small.pdf 134.12 KB


In reply to by c004040_

Normally the icons should be a good size. But some systems report the system resolution to MuseScore incorrectly, and that's why you need that workaround. If the system doesn't report the resolution to us correctly, there is unfortunately little else we can do. Not sure which older version you were using, it could be one that had a different issue where the icons didn't even try to respond to what the OS said the resolution was, which resulted in wrong size icons on systems that do report the resolution correctly.

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