Replacing a crotchet rest with a crotch rest after a tied note

• Apr 26, 2020 - 14:25

Can anyone tell me please how to replace a crotchet note with a crotchet rest after a tied note? I have a dotted minim tied to a semibreve in the previous bar and I can't get rid of the crotchet rest in the second bar or replace it with a note. Thanks


Replacing a crotchet rest with a crotch rest
that doesn't seem to make sense?

to replace a crotchet note with a crotchet rest
select that crotchet note, press Del.

I can't get rid of the crotchet rest in the second bar or replace it with a note
And this doesn't seem related? Select the rest, enter notename (A-G).

Thank you for your response. I managed to do it eventually by cutting the rest as delete wouldn't work. Initially everything I tried also deleted the note tied into the previous bar. I got there in the end. This is my first day using Musescore. Many thanks

In reply to by

Delete should do the same as cut, if your keyboard has a true delete key. Some instead have a backspace key which might not be programmed the same way. Sometimes the backspace key can be made to function like delete by pressing Fn or some other modifier key along with it. What OS are you using, and what keyboard layout (e.g., QWERTY vs AZERTY vs others).

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