Connecting notes across grand staff

• May 5, 2020 - 20:47

I'm writing a piano part and have three notes, two in the top staff and one in the bottom staff. They are all part of the same chord, and I'd like to notate this by having them all share one note stem. If I click and drag one of the note stems toward the note(s) on the other staff, it just creates space between the staves and doesn't connect the notes with a single stem. Is there a way to have them all share one stem?

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In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I'm still confused. I think we might have different definitions of a "chord." Since three notes are sounding at once in one instrument, those three notes are all one chord. They're the same chord no matter where they are on what staff, and regardless of stems.

Does your definition of a chord match mine, or is your definition something different?

What I'd like to do is take the one chord and give it one stem, which you seem to say is possible because cross staff notation is possible for one chord, which these notes are, unless we're defining chords differently, which would explain my confusion.

In reply to by Cody Swanner

Jojo's definition of a Chord is closer to the internal coding aspect of a Chord. There it is limited to all notes of the same voice in the same staff at the same time position. Those notes (in MuseScore) share a single stem object and they are all "children" of the Chord object, which is still limited to a single voice in a single staff.

So by wanting to show those notes on two different stems, in MuseScore term you need two chords; one on each staff. By disabling automatic placement on the stem of the lower staff chord, MuseScore won't add additional space between the staves when that stem is then lengthened to touch the "chord" in the upper staff.

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