Musescore won't run.

• May 8, 2020 - 22:17

I know that there are a lot of support tickets out there for this but I've tried all of the solutions, I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, I don't have Jack Router installed, I've tried to factory reset, I've tried to open using the program file itself instead of short cuts, I've tried to open it with score files, It's not running in the task manager, and when I click to run it, it doesn't give me a startup screen it just loads for a second and doesn't do anything. I'm on windows 10. I have two monitors . If there's anything I haven't tried please tell me.
Edit: I just tried to run musescore from opening a file in google chrome downloads. Also a failure. I installed the alpha and it works so I'll use that instead.


My guess is something about your display configuration is causing the dialog box asking you about telemetry data to appear offscreen. It might work to just press Esc.

Tell us more about your set up. DPI and the like. Did you install musescore to its default location? Un-install does nothing unless you find and delete all the sub-folders. I would suggest one monitor until you get this sorted. Make sure you are installing for the correct OS version plus 64 or 32 bit. You probably have, but we have no idea. Restart?

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