Voltas don't seem to be behaving as ordered.

• May 15, 2020 - 13:32

Here is a lead sheet that I have been working on. Everything seems fine, except for the playback. I want the ist. volta to repeat twice and the second volta once. I have tried a number of variations, but the result is the same - playback quits after the second repeat. This is a lead sheet that I have copied, I know the first volta is extremely long, but that is the way it was written. Please let me know if this is a bug, or if I am doing something wrong.

Thanks in advance.

Attachment Size
Green_Green_Grass_Of_Home key of G.mscz 21.39 KB


Your volta's are set up correctly. A volta says on which repeat its contents should be followed, but it doesn't state explicitly how many times the repeat itself should be taken/honored.
For that you currently have to go into the measure properties of the measure containing the end repeat barline at the end of the volta and set its play count to be one higher than the number of entries covered by the repeatlist.

So in your case, open up the measure properties of m28 and change the play count, from the default of 2 to now be 3.

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