Middle Click Use: Copy Note Value

• May 16, 2020 - 11:31

I'm not sure if there is already a use for middle click, but I thought that if somebody wanted to be faster, they could use middle click on a note to copy it's value. Or if they click on a rest then copy that. By the way this means that they will be entering the note input mode when doing that.


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

What I meant is to use the middle click of the mouse to "copy" to clipboard note values or other stuff so it's faster than entering note input mode, by pressing n, and selecting a note value. If for example the mouse is near a note value you want to copy it will be faster to put more notes on the score this way I think.

In reply to by [DELETED] 32872726

Sorry, it's still not clear. By "note value" do you literally mean the duration? And what would it mean to copy there duration only to the clipbaord/ Would you then expect to paste that duration somewhere else - like clicking some other note and then using Ctrl+V to paste the copied duration? How would that be faster than just changing the duration of the destination note directly with the toolbar?

Perhaps if you attach a sample score and describe preciusely - step by step - exactly what you you envision pressing/clicking in what order and what you expect the end result to be, we could understand better.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Just realized that if I select a note in the score of, example, a quarter note, when not in "note input mode", (number 5) and then press "n", I'm ready to set more quarter notes without pressing the note 5... similarly if I press an eight note, again in the "normal" mode (number 4), and then enter note input mode I already have the eight note without pressing the number... nevermind, I was looking for a way to use the middle click the many mouses (mice?) have.

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