Upload to Google Drive

• May 19, 2020 - 05:11

I recently tried to upload an .mscz file to a shared Google Drive folder. For some reason, the files I upload are zipped and cannot be opened in Musescore from the Drive folder. Another folder collaborator has successfully uploaded an .mscz file that can be opened in Musescore when accessed from the Drive folder, so I know it's possible, but I can't seem to get it to work. I've been able to upload PDF files and MP3 files before but I need to upload the project itself to be accessed by others. Any ideas?


You don't say how you tried to upload it. I use the app on my Windows system so all I do is save normally and the app syncs it to my Google Drive. On my Chromebook (using the Linux version), same story, I don't even need a separate app to do the sync.

But it should also work to simply copy from a standard folder to a Google Drive folder or use the upload command within Drive. And none of these methods would change the file in any way. It will remain an MSCZ file and openable in MsueScore unless you explicitly say you want to create an archive. Of course, as mentioned, an MSCZ file is an archive, but that's not something you'd normally need to be concerned with. It was an archive before you uploaded, it remains one after, and MuseScoere can open it either way because it's designed to do exactly that.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I tried to upload the file using the upload command within Drive as well as by dragging the file from my desktop. I should clarify that the file successfully uploads as an MSCZ file, but when I try to open the file from Drive it does not give me the option to open it in Musescore. I'm assuming the issue is that I accidentally indicated that I wanted to create an archive but I'm not sure how I would have done that or how to revert the command.

My files automatically save to my desktop. Was there a certain command you did to get the files to automatically sync to Drive?

Below are the options I'm given when I attempt to open the file from Drive.

Attachment Size
MS help.PNG 68.55 KB

In reply to by ecobrink1

No, I suspect it is that Google Drive doesn't know the file associations correctly. That wouldn't be surprising. not sure if there is a way to tell it. But as it is, it correctly deduces that an MSCZ is an archive (because as we have said, it technically is) and tries to deal with it accordingly.

To automatically sync to Google Drive, you need to install the appropriate app, as I mentioned - there are different apps depending on what type of Google account you have and what OS you are on. But once installed, all you do is save the magic Google Drive folder on your computer they automatically sync to the real Google Drive. It's what Chromebooks do right out of the box, but on other OS's it's easy enough to install the app and get the same behavior. You can even tell it to sync your regular Documents folder. You say your files save to your desktop, but that must be something you did yourself - that's not the default. The default is a folder called MuseScore3, under Documents/Scores.

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