Sub-beam of fret mark

• Aug 23, 2014 - 23:54

This came from an observation whilst I was preparing this issue.

For pitched notes, the sub-beam is the size of a notehead.

For tablature, should it be the size of a single digit fret mark?

Possible result:
Sub-beam of fret mark (Possible result).png

Actual result:
Sub-beam of fret mark (Actual result).png

Using MuseScore 2.0 Nightly Build (1c07b89) - Mac 10.7.5.


By "sub-beam", you mean the second beam used for the sixteenth in the dotted-eighth / sixteenth figure? Aside form the fact that some particular editor chose to render them that way for this particular score, is there some sort of standard you can point to that says this is how they should be? To me, the actual looks very much inferior in that respect - hard to recognize the rhythms because of the too-short beam. In fact, more than anything I'd say it looks like a bug in whatever software was used to produce the example.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I think Amadeus was used to produce it.

You could have a point about it being hard to recognise the rhythms. At one point, I even wondered if it should be increased to match double-digit fret marks.

I looked at another book and both standard and tablature match.

I just thought that because of the numbers, tablature detailing seemed smaller and the second beam probably sought to match, but I suppose it could be fine the way it is.

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