Change instrument

• Jun 7, 2020 - 20:20

Is it possible to have cross stave notation between different instruments?
I don't think so, it wouldn't seem logical.
On an Instrument such as an organ is it possible to have the "Change Instrument" for a single stave to simulate a change of register (combination pistons)?
An example of what one would like to achieve when want to use Change instrument by limiting it to a single stave
(I suspect I didn't make myself clear)

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The answer to both questions is no.

Organs are by nature complicated instruments to define correctly and MuseScore currently has no way to deal with stops/registers in a decent manner.

I'm hoping BSG will join in; he's quite the experience expert on organ notation and playback within MuseScore. I know he uses external software tools (such as Hauptwerk) to achieve good playback of organ scores. I'm not aware which (if any) additional markings he adds to his scores to drive the correct register changes in a score.
Check out his profile to find a plethora of carefully crafted scores.

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