Guitar tab error

• Jun 21, 2020 - 01:09

I'm trying to use the tablature feature, I've only used trad notation in the past.

I'm trying to get C 1st string, 8th fret
C, 4th, 10th
E, 3rd, 9th
G, 2nd, 8th
D, 1st, 10th

I'm getting two correct placements (after dragging the low C to the 6th string) and three off-the-wall unplayable notes that not only are in the wrong place, but they're entirely different notes than what I input in the standard notation. I tried adding fingerings and that made no difference, even with finger and string cues. Why would it place a C on the 4th string, 14th fret? That's an E.

What am I doing wrong? Am I reading the tab wrong? Is Musescore incapable of this? I can't find anything in the properties sheet that would allow me to change the numbers.

Attachment Size
Fire.mscz 4.78 KB


If you know which strings & frets you want, easiest is to just enter that directly onto the tab staff. If you enter notes onto a standard staff first, then MuseScore needs to guess which strings & frets you want, it cannot read your mind. It's normally easy enough to move notes from string to string, just click and press Ctrl+Up/Down. In this case, though, it's probably easier to just delete the chord and enter it directly onto the tab staff.

The notes on the tab are what is in the standard notation, BTW - just not in the order you anticipated. Click each note one at a time and move it up or down with the arrow keys - - or delete then undo - to see which is which. The automatic algorithm tries to place notes on the lower frets possible, and you are specifically trying to force a different voicing, and that's where MuseScore is getting confused. That's why it is much better to enter the tab directly.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Any way, in this use case, it is recommanded to enter notes from top string to lowest strings, see,… (and not the reverse, just like you did)
In your example, it works pretty well, you just had to change the location of one note, the C to the 6th string so, see: Fire1.mscz
But the most efficient, as said previously, will be to type the notes/frets via the TAB staff.

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