How to move half bar?

• Jun 22, 2020 - 11:55

Hello everyone :)

I wrote a piece and now I would like to add a half bar more in between (let's say add 2 extra fourth notes in a 4/4 that is already full, without doing a 6/4).
Is there a way to add it by letting the rest of the notes scroll half a bar to the end? Or the same but in reverse: remove half a bar and move the rest half bar back.

I hope I could explain it well.

Thank you.


You can right click in the measure (bar for UK readers) select measure properties and change the "Actual duration" to 6/4. This will make the measure 6x1/4 beats long but will not affect the time signature.

Or you can select "Insert" mode from the note entry button on the toolbar and then insert the notes where you want them. This will also result in a measure that has 6x1/4 beats with affecting the time signature.

However, if there are going to be 6 beats in the measure, you really should warn the player by adding a 6/4 time signature to that measure and a 4/4 time signature to the following one.

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