Bug: Musescore crashes upon opening or saving any scores

• Jun 26, 2020 - 21:59


I've been running musescore for some time without any major issues, but since today, musescore has been crashing whenever I try to save any scores.

Here's what I've tried to far:

-create new score from scratch, and attempt to save this to file
-reset musescore to default settings, then create new score from scratch, and attempt to save this to file

Resetting musescore also had the effect that attempting to open any scores now also causes musescore to crash.

I also had one score which was showing signs of being corrupt (the file name suddenly changed), but deleting this score (before resetting musescore) didn't help either. Also, I was able to open and edit this file perfectly fine up until I deleted it, so I have my doubts whether it was actually corrupt.

In both cases (opening and saving), musescore immediately crashes when I click on "file->save as" or "file->open." No dialog window appears, and the keyboard shortcuts lead to the same result.

Does anyone have a similar issue and/or an idea for how to fix this? My next step would have been to attempt to uninstall and reinstall musescore, but I'm afraid this might be counter-productive.

If it makes a difference, I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with musescore 3.4.2 (the latest version to my knowledge).


Go into the preferences → Advanced Preferences and change the checkbox for nativeDialogs. Then restart MuseScore.

In reply to by jkfischer

So far, the few people that have reported issues with those dialogs have been fixed by switching to MuseScore generated dialogs instead of the native ones.
The fact that this doesn't seem to work for you, makes me rather suspect other issues on your system.

All MuseScore does via Qt is to request the default file dialogs from your window manager. The sheer fact that opening these dialogs leads to a crash seems to indicate some issue between Qt and your window manager.

As for the "score with the weird name". They are most likely the auto-save names. When MuseScore crashes, it doesn't remove those files, but offers to restore the session. Choosing yes will open these autosaved scores (often named something like sc123456) which you could then "Save As.." to the real location if you so choose.

In reply to by jeetee

It looks like I've found a solution. I ended up reinstalling musescore, after which the problem appears to be solved. The key difference was that I also ended up reinstalling musescore using the apt-get command, instead of Ubuntu Software Center.

I think this is a very Ubuntu-specific issue.

In reply to by jkfischer

Or a packaging issue indeed.
Note that neither the snap from the software center, nor the ppa apt-get way are the "official" packages; but community maintained releases. And indeed, I've seen issues being reported because those maintainers occasionally miss something when creating their packages.

The official release is the AppImage from this site. So if you want to always have access to the most recent stable version; using that is the way to go.

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