Adding MDL Extension Instruments to an existing score.

• Jul 23, 2020 - 23:12

I have an existing score that was apparently created without using the MDL extensions. When played, the score plays an entirely wrong instrument. The instrument is listed as a concert snare drum but instead it is a whistle!

I was able to change the instrument to MDL drum set but the resulting sound was bad! I would like to use MDL Snare Line A from the extension, but there does not seem to be a way to change the instrument to one in the extension package.

Am I missing something?



The MIDI pitch assignments are, as far as I know, totally different, so you'd have to change the pitches of your current notes to whatever MDL needs. Maybe someone else has more insight. Could be the "Repitch" mode would help.

Do you have the MDL instruments loaded in the synthesizer? Did you add the correct instruments? Are the midi patches in the Mixer loaded to the corresponding instruments?

In reply to by Quads are Awesome

Not sure how to do that, All I do is start MuseScore3. How would I load MDL instruments into synthesizer?

As far as adding correct instruments, the only choices that appear are the "standard" percussion unpiched which are essentially concert, MDL drum set and MDL sampler. None of the MDL drumline extension instruments appear as a choice.

As far as midi patches in the Mixer loaded . . . . . uhhhh what?

Sorry but I am old and dense, I guess.

In reply to by ddonald228

To load the MDL instruments into the synthesizer, you need to first open the synthesizer (View -> Synthesizer). Then go to the Zerberus tab. In there, you need to make sure that the MDL instruments you need are in there (MDL Snareline, MDL TenorLine, etc.).

If you're going to work with MDL instruments frequently, I would suggest clicking the "Set as Default" button so that the instruments will always load. If you're only going to use the instruments in just that score, I'd suggest just clicking "Save to Score". Then when you need to load the instruments in that score again, click "Load from Score".

In the instruments window (shortcut "I" or Edit -> Instruments), you need to switch the genre to Marching Band (Dropdown that says "Common Instruments" -> Marching Band). This will show all instruments related to Marching Band. Then you can click the "Percussion - Marching" dropdown and see the marching instruments which you can add.

Then you need to open the Mixer (Shortcut "F10" or View -> Mixer). In there you can make sure that the instruments in the score have the correct MIDI patch (the sounds it makes) loaded. In the top part of the Mixer you'll see a dropdown. You then need to apply the proper patch to the corresponding instrument.

In reply to by Quads are Awesome

Thanks. Your near step by step was most helpful. Still a bit hazy on why the steps do what they do, but I have been able to obtain a reasonably acceptable MDL Snare A sound.

Just to clarify, when I went to the Synthesizer -> Zereberus tab, the MDL instruments were there, so I assume that they do already load automatically, right?

From that point on that's where things get more fuzzy. I intuitively got to an endpoint following your instructions, but not sure why or how it worked. I am unfortunately in the position of not even knowing enough about the workings of MuseScore3 at this point to ask an intelligent question.

Guess what I am asking for is any more detailed info or explanation on the inner workings of the program areas concerning the things we have been talking about. I've read the manual and searched the community, but the fog persists. I would like to be able to fix such an issue in the future without imploding.


In reply to by ddonald228

Yeah the MDL instruments will load automatically because that is part of your default synthesizer settings. The synthesizer is essentially where you adjust the soundfont and effects. You can change the way the instruments sound and tweak stuff like tuning, reverb, etc.

The instruments window is where you'd add instruments to the score based on the instrumentation you want to use. This is where you'd control which instruments are present in your score.

The Mixer window is where you'd adjust the connection of soundfont to instrument as well as instrument volume and MIDI controller effects. From here you can change which instrument plays what sound as well as fine-tune the "Mix" of the audio that plays from the score.

If you're still confused at this point, the best thing you can do is explore and learn on your own. Personally, I learn better when I try things on my own rather than using a tutorial.


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