Wrong accidental placement when two simultaneous notes share staff position

• Jul 24, 2020 - 23:51

MuseScore 3.4.2 seems to place all accidentals before note clusters, even when the notes are on the same height, resulting in incorrect and sometimes nonsensical accidentals.

As far as I can tell, the bug is the same regardless of whether the notes are on different voices or the same, and regardless of key/clef. With more than two notes the result is ridiculous.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Create an empty solo-piano score in C major.
2. Select the first measure and click Tools->Voices->Exchange Voices 1-2 to separate the two voices.
3. Input two C 4ths in beat 1 and 2, respectively, in voice 1; similarly input two C# 4ths in voice 2.

Result: a sharp incorrectly before both C:s, and a natural before the second sharp sign.
(excuse the huge images, can't figure out how to make them smaller)

Expected: sharps between the C:s and C#:s, and a natural directly before the second C.
I got the latter image by screwing around with the notes’ and accidentals’ X-offsets.


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