Wrong accidental placement when two simultaneous notes share staff position
MuseScore 3.4.2 seems to place all accidentals before note clusters, even when the notes are on the same height, resulting in incorrect and sometimes nonsensical accidentals.
As far as I can tell, the bug is the same regardless of whether the notes are on different voices or the same, and regardless of key/clef. With more than two notes the result is ridiculous.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create an empty solo-piano score in C major.
2. Select the first measure and click Tools->Voices->Exchange Voices 1-2 to separate the two voices.
3. Input two C 4ths in beat 1 and 2, respectively, in voice 1; similarly input two C# 4ths in voice 2.
Result: a sharp incorrectly before both C:s, and a natural before the second sharp sign.
(excuse the huge images, can't figure out how to make them smaller)
Expected: sharps between the C:s and C#:s, and a natural directly before the second C.
I got the latter image by screwing around with the notes’ and accidentals’ X-offsets.
This is indeed a known issue, see for instance #307196: Wrong order of accidentals in altered unison. Something we hope to address for a future release.
If I had to write something like that, I surely use Db instead C#