Repeat Sign element brakes when moved

• Aug 27, 2014 - 00:36

Stemmed from this thread:

Initially I was, once again, looking for a double repeat sign. I found that thread and decided to give the suggestion of a workaround a go with the new MuseScore 2.0 beta 1. I found that this workaround does not work for 2.0 beta.

Double clicking repeat sign and manually adjusting it's position too far left or right causes the element to go invisible and brake once you click out of it. You can no longer click the element.


How are you manually adjusting position? I think if you drag, motion is constrained to stay within the measure. But with the arrow keys or the Inspector, you can move to overlap the barline. I never saw it disappear unless I moved it completely out of the measure.

If you are still having difficutly, could you post the score you are having trouble with and the exact steps you are following?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hmmm... I can't seem to recreate it with a new score. When I discovered this, I had taken a score I created from 1.3 and uploaded it into 2.0 beta 1. I wonder if that is the problem.

Download the score and follow these steps:
1. Go to Trombone measure 47 or 48.
2. Double click repeat sign and use arrows to move the sign towards the barline in either direction. The sign will disappear.
3. Click out of measure.
4. Click measure. Sign will reappear.
5. Try clicking/double clicking sign again. You can't.


In the process of trying to recreate this problem, I also found another problem.
1. Go to File > Parts
2. Create new part. For this, create a Trombone part.
3. Click Ok. Make sure you have the part showing in Program window.
4. Go to File > Save As and save Trombone part anywhere (I saved it to my desktop for testing purposes.)
5. Close Musescore 2.0 Beta 1.
6. Open Trombone part from where you saved it.
7. Edit anywhere in the part.
8. Save and close Musescore 2.0 Beta 1.
9. Open Trombone part from where you saved it.

Problem: Trombone part did not save your edit.

Attachment Size
More_Than_Wonderful.mscz 28.93 KB

In reply to by Sean Oliveras

Indeed, I see the problem in this score. Could be that it's imported, could be something special about the layout of this particular score.

I don't understand the second unrelated report. How are you saving the trombone part? Normally, you don't save parts - you save the score, and the parts come along for the ride. I think perhaps somehpw you are getting confused and making edits to the main score and its linked trombone part but also having a separate trombone part saved to your disk?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Yeah, that was the idea. With 1.3, I'm so used to saving the individual parts on disk. I suppose I don't have to do that. But, it would be smart to be able to do that if you want to just send the individual part as a .mscz to someone, instead of the entire score and all the other parts.


And, I've found another problem. (Let me know if I should create a new thread for this.)
When creating a part in 2.0 Beta 1, the new part comes with a part name at the bottom left of the Title's Vertical Frame. However, if you decide to, or accidentally, delete this text, you are unable to recreate text for a part name without it mirroring over to the full score. Unless I'm missing something...

In reply to by Sean Oliveras

If you do want to send an MSCZ of a part, you should be able to use File / Save As while viewing the part to save just that part to a separate file. but I see what you mean - if you do that, something goes wrong, and subsequent edits are not saved. Seems to be a bug, you should file it to the issue tracker.

In reply to by Sean Oliveras

And yes, you should create a new thread for new problems. But in the case of the part name, I think you've found another bug worth filing officially in the issuer tracker. The whole idea of linked parts is that you normally *want* changes made to the score to affect the part and vice versa. The part name is indeed the one thing *not* normally linked. And if you delete it, there is no way to recreate it in the part without adding it to the score - and there *should* be such a way. You could always delete the part and recreate it, but that's kind of lame. Another workaround would be to add it but then mark it invisible in the score.

In reply to by Sean Oliveras

Basically, everything gets linked except the instrument name :-). At least, I can't offhand think of anything else that doesn't. And most changes to elements also get reflected in both the linked score/part. The only things that don't are manual adjustments to position and size of elements - eg, dragging a dynamic, lengthening a stem, etc. At least, that's all I can think of. Basically, things work the way one would naturally expect - at least, that's the theory.

BTW, in the 2.0 Beta 1, there is now a new way to create this symbol, and that is using the Symbols palette (press "Z"). Scroll down until you find the symbol (it's near the end of the list), then drag it to your score. If you intend to use the symbol regularly, you can then also Ctrl+Shift+drag it to a palette to make it available more easily in the future. Hide the rests (select, "V" to toggle invisibilty) then drag the symbol into position from your palette.

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