msiexec failure when upgrading 3.4.2 to 3.5

• Aug 18, 2020 - 19:29

Upgrades failed consistently: Whether allowing MuseScore 3.4.2 to upgrade itself, of downloading the new package and installing over the old, both fail with a message "MuseScore 3 Setup Wizard ended prematurely" ... "because of an error"

I launched the upgrade myself, setting the upgrade to capture a log and found it was failing with a 1603 error. Looks to me like the upgrade is trying to use my backup drive (D:) for both root directory and targetdir...don't know why it is picking that up, but will remove that drive and see if the upgrade then passes.

Attaching msi log...

Seeing some of the other comments on this board, this might not be the time to try this, as I am using MuseScore outputs to drive a virtual choir project I am finishing up (rendering scores incorrectly, adding weird notes here and there, etc.)

Attachment Size 12.32 KB


So, I removed my D: drive and attempted the upgrade again. As I surmised, this time it ran. But I wish it hadn't. Now, version 3.5 tries to come up and soon fails. So, this version is completely worthless on this machine. On the other hand, it does run on my laptop (on which the 3.4.2 to 3.5 upgrade ran perfectly), although I have not checked it exhaustively yet.

I will be looking for a work-around to get the version of 3.5 stabilized on my main machine...what a steaming glistening pile this is proving to be!

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