bug whit the Particellas

• Aug 21, 2020 - 22:47

when i have the particellas open end i do a change on the full score, it doesnt always change in the individual particellas even thoug the sound is acually the how its written in the full score.
Musescore for Windows 10pro


In order to assist, we would need you to attach the score you are having trouble with and give us precise steps to reproduce the problem. But do not, manual adjustments to position of things are not supposed to be linked between score and parts, because very often adjustments made in one place don't make sense in the other.

In reply to by R.G.P.

What kind of change? As mentioned, it's normal and correct that manual adjustments like fine tuning positions is independent. But changing notes should be linked, and it works for me with your score. For example, if I click the first note then press Ctrl+Up to move it up an octave, score and part are both affected.

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