Score jumps when adding notes below the bottom staff of piano.

• Aug 23, 2020 - 15:45

Piano notes jump.gif

This is probably because I fill half of the screen with MuseScore and the other half with the PDF I transcribe from but it still shouldn't happen. I move the cursor to be on the screen, enter a note below the bass clef of the piano and it jumps below the visible screen. It shouldn't jump at all. After each note, I'm scrolling to put it into view, entering another note causes the jump.

fingerings jump.gif

As you can see, using my shortcut to add fingerings does the same thing. Only it jumps almost every time as can be seen when I add fingerings to the to staff. Once again, I scrolled every time the cursor went off screen so you can see it. On the top staff I scrolled before the first one and the last one so you could see the jump again.

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