Request: start playing in the second or third round of a repeat

• Aug 28, 2020 - 19:09

I often want to check the last part of a score. Then I want to start in the second round of a repeat followed by the end. In the image below that's the part with the pinkish background.

I'd like to to suggest a feature for this.

When playing a score and when I'm not in a repeat area, the play button looks what we're used to:

While playing, and when MuseScore plays into a repeat area, the icon of the play button changes to show the repeat I'm in:

It would be really nice just to have this feature. Often I pause when MuseScore is already playing the second repeat. When I resume playing, MuseScore goes back to the first repeat, but there's nothing that shows this. (at least I didn't see it. ;-) ) I'll have to wait for repeat one to be finished and for repeat 2 to be played again.

That's also why it would be really nice to have the following feature. If I pause, or if I get into a repeat area by clicking there, I get an arrow-down next to the play button. When I click it, I get a pulldown that I can use to choose the first repeat, second repeat, etc. Once I clicked in the dropdown and clicked "Play", the music should play as if I had gotten there the way I normally do. I hope that that also solves any "to Coda". The dropdown only appears when I'm in a repeat area and the dropdown is longer or shorter depending upon the number of repeats:

If this solution wouldn't be possible, let me know. I appreciate reactions. If needed, maybe I can come up with alternative ideas.

I first asked if there was such a function in the next thread:
SteveBlower pointed out that there's a "Unroll Repeats" in the Tools menu, but I find it hard to tell where i'm in in the score when using that option.

Attachment Size
ChooseRepeatI.png 6.92 KB
ChooseRepeatII.png 10.52 KB
ChooseRepeatIII.png 12.73 KB


For something like this use the menu Tools->Unroll repeats. You can then start listening anywhere you want. Using this will open a new score that you can use for listening. Edits will not affect the original score though. The two scores are not linked in any way.

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