Copyright on page 1

• Aug 29, 2020 - 14:44

Currently in the header and footer there is the option to display the copy right on the first page of the printed file using $C. This is often fine, but not what people want if they change page numbering so that page 1 is later than the first printed page. This of course is done by changing the first page number to a negative number in page settings.

What is often desired is for the copyright to be printed on what is identified as page 1 which is not necessarily the first page of the document.

This does come up from time to time and in fact did today in the Brazilian forum. I would suggest an identifier such as $CP_#_ be added to the copyright options so the user can identify which page they want the copyright to be on changing the # to the number of the page they want it on.

Allowing -3 would mean the third page before page 1 which would be useful if the change the first page number to -4 or greater and have some sort of preface to the score.

Allowing something like $CP_#_ would of course also allow the user to use $CP1 to allow for the copyright on page 1. This would be quite logical and easy to remember in my opinion.


Or just not pick on page number 1, but always use the 1st page?

The parser is quite painful already (and I'm playing with it as we speak, nice coincidence)

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz


I do start numbering my pages at higher numbers when the source is from say a book of scores. This means I don't have a page 1. These scores are usually PD and I don't copyright my work so it would not cause me a problem personally. I'm not sure how others would feel about it.

I suspect it would lead to a lot of complaints/questions.

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