Importing Midi or Xml with G clef on the bottom line

• Aug 29, 2020 - 18:31

I have some music by Hotteterre which has the G clef on the bottom line (French Violin Clef). This has come from IMSLP via PDF to Music Pro conversion program.
It plays ok in their program, but once it is imported to Musescore in either Mid or Xml format the G clef is on the second line. When it is played there it sounds very odd indeed.
Sorting it out was not easy. Putting the clef back at the bottom the notes automatically re-alined. So it took sometime to adjust all the accidentals, I could not find a transpose which got all the sharps and flats in the right places.
I use Musescore as a virtual Recorder Consort and play along with the 'gang'. Love it keeps me sane. So having access to a huge amount of pdf music is fab.

So not sure if the problem is in the PDF conversion or the uptake by Musescore.
It did however cope with C clefs on various lines in another piece.
Have found that after correcting the clef that transposing it up a third Diatonically sorts out most of the problems.
Which is great so now I can have more Hotteterre.


In order to investigate, we'd need you to attach the file you are having trouble importing. In general, though, if the program that converted the PDF to MusicXML did its job properly, we should as well. My guess is it failed to set the clef, and thus indeed got all the notes wrong.

In reply to by citizenz

Indeed, your scanning software got the clef wrong if that was supposed to be French violin clef, and therefore it got each of the notes wrong. Does your scanning software providing the ability to override any of what it recognizes before it exports to MusicXML? If so you might be able to fix it there so you have a better MusicXML file. Otherwise, you will have to transpose and fix the accidentals manually.

I'm surprised, though, you say it plays as expected within the scanning program, since clearly it got the pitches wrong. The very first note in the MusicXML file says it is a "D", not an "F" as I assume it should be. If it plays as an "F" your scanning software, then there certainly should be a way to get it to export it that way.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

It plays and looks ok once imported into their program. Perhaps there is a problem when it saves it. There is no ability to change it as far as I know.
But correcting the Clef and then Transposing up a third diatonically sorts out most of the issues.

Thank you for your prompt response. They have responded too, so I will let them know what you have found.

Their piece of software is actually great and yours is too!!. Up to now I have been working with Midi files or doing it the hard way, and I make far more mistakes!! It has made a huge amount of extra music from IMSLP and other sources available without the slog.
Though it does not work on scanned pdf only ones set with some kind of music software. But most stuff on IMSLP is available in both formats.

I am arranging things for recorder ensembles and with the help of Musescore I am getting better and better at it.
The recorder has such a small range.

For me the lockdown would have been very dull indeed without Musescore and my allotment to grow vegetables.
So I play along with my virtual recorder ensemble, I arrange music and play with actual friends with Musescore via Zoom. We are all most over 70 and some over 80 so all in high risk group so cannot meet in person. And we are all still sane. A big thank you to Musescore.

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