Adding another instrument in the same score

• Sep 3, 2020 - 03:29

Hi there,

I'm a percussion student trying to use musescore to have an isolated version of my part played for me so I can hear how it's supposed to sound. However, on many of my parts, I have to play multiple percussive instruments. For example, I'm playing the Percussion 4 part of Rhyme or Reason by Nathan Daughtrey which includes marimba, congas, and china cymbal. I figured out how to change the main instrument to marimba, but when I want to add the conga part, it changes the whole score to congas. Is there a feature I'm missing? Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Don't change the instruments. Hit the letter I and add instruments. Then select, copy (or cut) and paste from the old staffs to the new ones. To remove instruments, hit I and remove them.

In reply to by Rockhoven

Wait. You can't copy and paste the parts in percussion and get the new font sound. If you copy the rhythm from a marimba into a conga staff it will still sound the marimba. It does not work like the other instruments. If you copy and paste a flute into a piano, you will get the piano sound. Not so for percussion. Don't know why. You'll have to transcribe the parts from one percussion instrument to another to get the new sound.

When working with percussion, you have to transcribe from one instrument to another type of instrument. That's because if I copy and paste a note from a horn into a trombone stave they are the same note and the only element that has changed is one timbre for another. Not so for the percussion set ups. A drum kit may have 12 different fonts to produce cymbals, bass drum, tom toms, etc. How are you going to copy and paste that into an instrument like a conga, if the conga only has two of three sound fonts? Therefore, you have to transcribe it.

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