Shift key is replaced by a text "NumPad" in the definition of shortcut

• Jul 19, 2024 - 09:31

I use MuseScore v. 6. 3. 2 on my iMac (v. 14.5 Sonoma).
Today, one shortcut combination didn't work (this kind of shortcut inconveniences happen pretty often).
The shortcut which I mention is "shift+command+↑/↓".
Therefore, to fix and re-define the shortcut key combination, I also typed this time too, in the definition column "shift+command+↓, but, instead of shift key symbol white arrow, a text "NumPad" appears. And I tried other combinations instead of shift key, but this text always appears, for example "NumPad control + command" etc.
Would someone explain this strange phenomenon and tell me how to solve this problem?

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